Lee Ritenour: Overtime (DVD)

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Lee Ritenour: Overtime (DVD)

Descrizione annuncio

Lee Ritenour is one of the world's most renowned jazz guitarists. Initially performing and recording as a sideman with the likes of The Mamas And The Papas, Tony Bennett, Steely Dan, Pink Floyd and Dizzy Gillespie, since 1976 he has been a major solo artist with over 30 albums to his credit. Overtime was filmed in high definition in Enterprise Studios, Burbank in front of a small audience and is a career retrospective of this extraordinary guitarist in which he is accompanied by some of his many collaborators down the years. The concert is split into four distinct sections. The programme starts with acoustic jazz and then moves into Brazilian music, followed by Lee's early fusion music and concludes with a set of his most popular tracks from more recent albums. Interviews with the participants are interspersed between the live performances. 1) Party Time 2) Blue In Green 3) Mizrab 4) Sugarloaf Express 5) Harlequin 6) Beyond The Storm 7) Dinorah Dinorah 8) P.A.L.S. 9) Captain Fingers 10) Morning Glory 11) Captain Caribe 12) Night Rhythms 13) A Little Bumpin 14) Water To Drink (Agua de Beber) 15) Possibilities 16) Papa Was A Rolling Stone 17) Is It You? 18) Thirteen 19) She Walks This Earth

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Annuncio pubblicato da
Il Mercatino di BTPFARM
dicembre 2010
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© OpenStreetMap
Provincia di Milano

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