Classic Jazz Drummers-Swing and Beyond (DVD)

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Classic Jazz Drummers-Swing and Beyond (DVD)

Descrizione annuncio

A films of the legendary Sid Catlett with Louis Armstrong, Ray Bauduc with Jack Teagarden, Gene Krupa and Buddy Rich with their own orchestras, Gus Johnson with the rarely-heard Count Basie small group, Joe Harris with the pioneering Dizzy Gillespie Orchestra, Panama Francis with Cab Calloway, Lionel Hampton, never-before-seen solo footage of Philly Joe Jones, Stan Levey with a small group, the bop of Kenny Clarke and many others.
A certifiable find: The only existing film of that influential New Orleans pioneer, the one and only Warren 'Baby' Dodds. The DVD presents six decades of legendary drummers soloing and battling, but above all their most important role: driving the band.
Special DVD Features: Four bonus clips featuring Sonny Payne, Shelly Manne, Lionel Hampton and Philly Joe Jones as well as an exclusive photo gallery of these early jazz drummers

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Annuncio pubblicato da
Il Mercatino di BTPFARM
dicembre 2010
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© OpenStreetMap
Provincia di Milano

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