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Seymour Duncan Ahb-10s Blackouts Modular Set Zeb

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Seymour Duncan Ahb-10s Blackouts Modular Set Zeb

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PICKUP PER CHITARRA ELETTRICA 11106-62-Z Onboard preamp together with a set of specially designed coils delivers the power and tone of our Blackouts without changing the look of your guitar. Just swap your volume pot with a Blackouts Modular Preamp. It combines the high-output, low-noise Blackouts preamp with a quality volume pot and our Liberator Solderless Pickup Change System for quick connections. Get your own soundwith your own look.The genre-defining crunch and wail of modern heavy rock guitar often comes from active guitar pickups, which have a built-in, battery-powered preamp epoxy-sealed into a stark black casing. It's a distinctly modern sound married to a patently modern look. Now, for the first time, you can make any pickup an active pickup, even pickups with a more traditional look.Seymour Duncan has taken its award-winning, low-noise Blackouts balanced differential preamp out of the pickup and integrated it with a high-quality volume pot. Blackouts Modular Preamp is an ingenious way to get that high-gain, active guitar sound with any passive four-conductor pickup. Simply by swapping a volume pot for a Blackouts Modular Preamp volume pot, you can get active pickup performance with a more classic look.To capture the precise tone and performance of Original Blackouts pickups, Seymour Duncan created the specially voiced Blackouts Coil Pack, a replacement humbucker designed specifically for use with the Blackouts Modular Preamp. The Coil Pack will be available as a stand-alone neck or bridge humbucker or in a two-humbucker set packaged together with the Blackouts Modular Preamp.Connecting the Coil Pack, or any pickup, to Blackouts Modular Preamp is an incredibly simple, solderless procedure, thanks to the same bare-wire Lockdown connector stations used in the Seymour Duncan Liberator Solderless Pickup Change System. Installing pickups only requires a mini-screwdriver to secure pickup and battery leads into the rock-solid screw-clamp connec

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