USATO PRIVATOCodice annuncio: #7499601

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Vendo nuovo con scatola. Perfetto. Con valvola nutube.

The Mystic Edge valve distortion pedal offers the chime and midrange of the VOX AC30 in a compact pedal format, powered by Nutube for warm and responsive amp-like tones.

Inspired by the VOX AC30’s chime and midrange, the Mystic Edge goes beyond the amp-in-a-box category to offer a truly flexible valve distortion pedal. The all-analog signal path and Nutube allow for genuine overdrive and distortion tones with the feel of a real tube amp, while internally boosted voltage gives greater headroom and dynamics. Plus, the OLED display shows an oscilloscope while the pedal is active or bypassed, allowing you to understand exactly how your signal is affected.

Three output modes allow you to use this as a standard pedal, a line-level preamp, and a direct amp-sim using the built-in analog cabinet simulator. Use STANDARD mode with your normal guitar rig to totally transform your amp, or use PREAMP or CAB-SIM mode while recording directly into your audio interface. In each mode, the all-analog design and active EQ allow you to perfectly dial in the sound you need in any situation.

The Channel Link feature allows you to chain two or more Valvenergy pedals together, through the Link jack of each pedal. Using a with a standard 1/8” stereo cable will link 2 pedals, and using a stereo 1/8” splitter will link 3 or 4 pedals. This allows you to turn one pedal on while bypassing the others, as if you were switching between channels of a guitar amp.

These pedals are equipped with a high-contrast OLED display showing an oscilloscope, a visual indication of how the waveform is affected by the knob settings. This display allows shows which mode you are currently using.

Valve distortion pedal with all-analog signal path
Iconic sound of the VOX AC30
Powered by Nutube
Three output modes for use as a pedal or preamp
Selectable analog cabinet simulator
OLED display with oscilloscope
Active EQ to shape your signal

Codice annuncio: #7499601Inserimento: oltre 3 mesi faUltima modifica: 1 settimana fa
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Annuncio pubblicato da
Il Mercatino di Flying Pixies
gennaio 2017
Posizione del venditore
© OpenStreetMap
Provincia di Biella

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