Selmer Paris Mark VI alto 1957 - un solo proprietario

USATO PRIVATOCodice annuncio: #7692237

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Selmer Paris Mark VI alto 1957 - un solo proprietario
Selmer Paris Mark VI alto 1957 - un solo proprietario
Selmer Paris Mark VI alto 1957 - un solo proprietario
Selmer Paris Mark VI alto 1957 - un solo proprietario
Selmer Paris Mark VI alto 1957 - un solo proprietario
Selmer Paris Mark VI alto 1957 - un solo proprietario
Selmer Paris Mark VI alto 1957 - un solo proprietario
Selmer Paris Mark VI alto 1957 - un solo proprietario - Immagine 0
Selmer Paris Mark VI alto 1957 - un solo proprietario - Immagine 1
Selmer Paris Mark VI alto 1957 - un solo proprietario - Immagine 2
Selmer Paris Mark VI alto 1957 - un solo proprietario - Immagine 3
Selmer Paris Mark VI alto 1957 - un solo proprietario - Immagine 4
Selmer Paris Mark VI alto 1957 - un solo proprietario - Immagine 5
Selmer Paris Mark VI alto 1957 - un solo proprietario - Immagine 6

Descrizione annuncio

Strumento prestigioso.
WOW!!! Look at this absolutely Beautiful Selmer Mark VI Alto Saxophone with 62xxx Serial Number. This places the year of production to 1957 in Selmer Paris. The Original Neck is in perfect non pulled down condition! The GORGEOUS Lacquer is all original and approximately 95% intact! It looks even more beautiful in person. This saxophone has been fully and completely professionally overhauled by “Le Pavillon” shop in Compiégne, France, and seals and plays Perfectly! The body tube is straight shows no signs of ever being bent and it is free from Dents and Dings. Even the bottom bow rooster tail is completely dent free. This is one of the desirable Short Bow models.

Only one owner (see attached declaration written in French)

62xxx Serial Number 1957 Selmer Mark VI Alto
95% Original Lacquer
Fully Professionally Overhauled and Needs Nothing!
Original Neck!
No neck Pull down or damage!
No Dents or Dings and Bottom Bow rooster tail is NOT dented. No Bell Lip Damage
Includes The original Selmer Case
No Resolders!
Beautifully Engraved
Blue S Still Filled in

This sax was played by an old German man living in Compiègne, France. He had no friends or contact with anyone. Just a young girl used to visit him while playing this sax. At the beginning of the 80’s, the old man, before he died,donate this sax to the only person he got contact, the girl! She never played it and kept it till august 2022. She also became old and decided to sell the sax.

Codice annuncio: #7692237Inserimento: oltre 3 mesi faUltima modifica: 1 mese fa
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Annuncio pubblicato da
Il Mercatino di Tafur
marzo 2013
Posizione del venditore
© OpenStreetMap
Provincia di Como

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Benvenuto in Mercatino Musicale

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