Kingsley Juggler V3 Tube Preamp - Vero valvolare - Hand made

USATO PRIVATOCodice annuncio: #7588203

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Kingsley Juggler V3 Tube Preamp - Vero valvolare - Hand made
Kingsley Juggler V3 Tube Preamp - Vero valvolare - Hand made
Kingsley Juggler V3 Tube Preamp - Vero valvolare - Hand made
Kingsley Juggler V3 Tube Preamp - Vero valvolare - Hand made
Kingsley Juggler V3 Tube Preamp - Vero valvolare - Hand made
Kingsley Juggler V3 Tube Preamp - Vero valvolare - Hand made
Kingsley Juggler V3 Tube Preamp - Vero valvolare - Hand made
Kingsley Juggler V3 Tube Preamp - Vero valvolare - Hand made - Immagine 0
Kingsley Juggler V3 Tube Preamp - Vero valvolare - Hand made - Immagine 1
Kingsley Juggler V3 Tube Preamp - Vero valvolare - Hand made - Immagine 2
Kingsley Juggler V3 Tube Preamp - Vero valvolare - Hand made - Immagine 3
Kingsley Juggler V3 Tube Preamp - Vero valvolare - Hand made - Immagine 4
Kingsley Juggler V3 Tube Preamp - Vero valvolare - Hand made - Immagine 5
Kingsley Juggler V3 Tube Preamp - Vero valvolare - Hand made - Immagine 6

Descrizione annuncio

Power supply included.
The new Juggler V3 is based on the same Dumble ODS inspired circuit with two 12AX7.

3 footswitches - On/Off, Drive/Mid Boost, EQ Lift/Mid Boost. Note that the Drive footswitch can automatically activate the mid boost at the same time if desired. This way you can have the clean channel with no Mid Boost but the Drive channel with Mid Boost. The EQ lift/Mid Boost footswitch can activate either the EQ lift or the Mid Boost. The Mid Boost can also be set to be on at all times.
Clean channel: Volume, Treble, Middle, Bass, 3-way Bright switch, Mid boost switch, EQ lift footswitch, EQ lift level pot
Drive channel: Drive, Tone, Volume, 3-way Lows switch, 3-way Highs switch
Other features: global Master Volume, 3-way Output switch (front of amp use, instrument level preamp use, full output preamp use), Two remote jacks for channel select, EQ lift and Mid Boost functions (one jack is a TRS jack that can be used for channel select or Mid Boost alone, or both channel select and Mid Boost select), high voltage mosfet buffer output (no need for an effects loop as the output impedance is already low and the Output switch and Master Volume make it very easy to add effects after the whole preamp).

Remote Operation
Remote operation can also be useful when independent control of both EQ Lift and Mid Boost are required (The JUGGLER only has 3 footswithes, so the EQ Lift and Mid Boost share the same footswitch).
The three remote controllable functions on the JUGGLER require latching switches to activate/de-activate. There are two remote switching jacks:
Remote 1 – this ¼” jack is for remote operation of channel selection;
Remote 2 – this ¼” jack is a stereo (TRS) type, with the tip controlling the EQ lift and the ring controlling the Mid Boost function. Note that while channel selection and Mid Boost are relay controlled functions, EQ Lift is not relay controlled.

Spedizione con corriere espresso (aggiungere 9,00 Euro)

Codice annuncio: #7588203Inserimento: oltre 3 mesi fa
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Annuncio pubblicato da
Il Mercatino di nocaster51
ottobre 2004
Posizione del venditore
© OpenStreetMap
Provincia di Mantova

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