GRETSCH G 6128T-George Harrison Tribute Custom (S. Stern) USA made

USATO PRIVATOCodice annuncio: #7850310

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GRETSCH G 6128T-George Harrison Tribute Custom (S. Stern) USA made
GRETSCH G 6128T-George Harrison Tribute Custom (S. Stern) USA made
GRETSCH G 6128T-George Harrison Tribute Custom (S. Stern) USA made
GRETSCH G 6128T-George Harrison Tribute Custom (S. Stern) USA made - Immagine 0
GRETSCH G 6128T-George Harrison Tribute Custom (S. Stern) USA made - Immagine 1
GRETSCH G 6128T-George Harrison Tribute Custom (S. Stern) USA made - Immagine 2

Descrizione annuncio

USA made - A Stephen Stern masterpiece - When words are not needed. That’s it:

Limited to 60 pieces worldwide, the guitar is a meticulously crafted replica of the all-black 6128 Duo Jet George Harrison played with the Beatles from summer 1961 through spring 1963.

Harrison bought the guitar in summer 1961, from Liverpool cab driver and former merchant seaman Ivan Hayward.

Aged Distressed Black - DynaSonic Single coil. The TrussRods work perfectly.

All tags included (a lot of tags). It comes with his case. Private Negotiation

If you want to hear the sound of this Jewel, click here please:

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