Fender Round Base Microphone Stand

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Fender Round Base Microphone Stand
Fender Round Base Microphone Stand
Fender Round Base Microphone Stand
Fender Round Base Microphone Stand
Fender Round Base Microphone Stand
Fender Round Base Microphone Stand - Immagine 0
Fender Round Base Microphone Stand - Immagine 1
Fender Round Base Microphone Stand - Immagine 2
Fender Round Base Microphone Stand - Immagine 3
Fender Round Base Microphone Stand - Immagine 4

Descrizione annuncio

STANDS - ROUND BASE MICROPHONE STAND Designed by musicians for musicians, our road-worthy microphone stands are the ideal solution for the guitarist on the go. Featuring a rugged, durable steel construction and custom twist grip clutch components, Fender Mic Stands provide superior stability with fixed placement in any position so you can perform with confidence. Command the stage with these road-tested and reliable stands - the ultimate, long-lasting gigging companion for any professional. Stand your ground on stage with the Round Base Microphone Stand. Featuring a sturdy, weighted base, the Round Base Mic Stand includes custom embossed "F" Fender grip components and a height adjustment twist clutch to allow for quick, on-the-fly adjustments while on stage. This stand also includes a removable pick and slide holder that is easily attachable and detachable. Crafted from durable rubber, this clip-on accessory holds up to 12 picks for quick access and storage. The slide holder accommodates all standard slides and is also removable. Caratteristiche Colore: Black Nazione di Origine: Cina

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