Fender Prosonic Amp 2-Channel 60-Watt 2x10"

USATO PRIVATOCodice annuncio: #7813950

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Fender Prosonic Amp 2-Channel 60-Watt 2x10"
Fender Prosonic Amp 2-Channel 60-Watt 2x10"
Fender Prosonic Amp 2-Channel 60-Watt 2x10"
Fender Prosonic Amp 2-Channel 60-Watt 2x10"
Fender Prosonic Amp 2-Channel 60-Watt 2x10"
Fender Prosonic Amp 2-Channel 60-Watt 2x10"
Fender Prosonic Amp 2-Channel 60-Watt 2x10"
Fender Prosonic Amp 2-Channel 60-Watt 2x10"
Fender Prosonic Amp 2-Channel 60-Watt 2x10" - Immagine 0
Fender Prosonic Amp 2-Channel 60-Watt 2x10" - Immagine 1
Fender Prosonic Amp 2-Channel 60-Watt 2x10" - Immagine 2
Fender Prosonic Amp 2-Channel 60-Watt 2x10" - Immagine 3
Fender Prosonic Amp 2-Channel 60-Watt 2x10" - Immagine 4
Fender Prosonic Amp 2-Channel 60-Watt 2x10" - Immagine 5
Fender Prosonic Amp 2-Channel 60-Watt 2x10" - Immagine 6
Fender Prosonic Amp 2-Channel 60-Watt 2x10" - Immagine 7

Descrizione annuncio

2 Channel 60 Watt 2x10" valve combo with switchable bias & spring reverb.

Designed by the legendary Bruce Zinky. The Prosonic is a Fender Custom Shop take on a high gain boutique amplifier.

Switchable channels
Dual cascading gain controls on drive channel
Effects send & return
Switchable recifier/bias
Solid state rectifier: Class A/B 60w
features traditional clean Fender tones, especially on the clean channel. Very clean, sparkly and very loud.
Tube rectifier: Class A/B 50w
Slightly softer and darker due to compression of tube rectifier
Tube rectifier: Class A 30w
True class A mode, and at 30 watts it provides a super warm sound with early natural break up, but still loud, akin to a Vox AC30.

L'amplificatore è in perfette condizioni e completo del suo footswitch originale.
Valuto scambi solo con testata x basso Aguilar Tone Hammer 500.

Codice annuncio: #7813950Inserimento: 1 mese faUltima modifica: questa settimana
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Annuncio pubblicato da
Il Mercatino di Bullpit77
agosto 2014
Posizione del venditore
© OpenStreetMap
Provincia di Perugia

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