Eliminator Stryker Beam

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Eliminator Stryker Beam
Eliminator Stryker Beam
Eliminator Stryker Beam
Eliminator Stryker Beam
Eliminator Stryker Beam
Eliminator Stryker Beam - Immagine 0
Eliminator Stryker Beam - Immagine 1
Eliminator Stryker Beam - Immagine 2
Eliminator Stryker Beam - Immagine 3
Eliminator Stryker Beam - Immagine 4

Descrizione annuncio

MAGMATIC FX - POLAR SERIES Suitable for installation in nightclubs and other entertainment venues, as well as for mobile use by production companies and entertainers, Eliminator Lighting¿s Stryker Beam is a potent moving head beam fixture. It focuses the light from a powerful 100W LED light engine through high quality optics to create a razor-sharp output that will punch through background lighting to create piercing mid-air effects. The Stryker Beam offers fast, precise movement as well as a diverse collection of beam-shaping tools, which provide lighting designers lots of creative potential. A dedicated GOBO wheel features 11 die-cut metal shapes (plus open), which include two beam reducer options alongside a carefully curated selection of patterns designed for generating aerial effects. A motorized focus function allows GOBOs to be kept sharp, while a separate color wheel offers 13 vibrant options (plus white) and an additional 6-color flag allows the creation of multi-colored beam effects, A built-in frost filter allows the fixture to switch from a hard-edge beam to a soft wash of light. Finally, two circular rotating prisms are provided, 8-facet and 16-facet, which can be used to split up the narrow beam into a wider break-apart effect. Both prisms may be layered for an animated effect. For a fixture of its class, the Stryker Beam is a compact and lightweight moving head, which is easily portable. It features a large full color display screen, providing access to an intuitive menu-driven interface for DMX addressing and customization of the unit¿s operating parameters. It features locking power input and output sockets, to allow multiple fixtures to daisy chain from a single outlet, together with both 3-pin and 5-pin DMX sockets for easy integration into any existing DMX system.  Caratteristiche Source: 100W LED Engine 6° Beam Angle Full color function display with 4 buttons Fast, precise, pan & tilt movements Primary / Seco

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