American Dj Premium Case 4x Focus Hybrid

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American Dj Premium Case 4x Focus Hybrid
American Dj Premium Case 4x Focus Hybrid
American Dj Premium Case 4x Focus Hybrid
American Dj Premium Case 4x Focus Hybrid
American Dj Premium Case 4x Focus Hybrid
American Dj Premium Case 4x Focus Hybrid - Immagine 0
American Dj Premium Case 4x Focus Hybrid - Immagine 1
American Dj Premium Case 4x Focus Hybrid - Immagine 2
American Dj Premium Case 4x Focus Hybrid - Immagine 3
American Dj Premium Case 4x Focus Hybrid - Immagine 4

Descrizione annuncio

Made in Holland! Behold ADJ Europe's new line of professional heavy duty touring cases for a selection of products.  As our products become more and more professional, they also need more and more protection. That is why we offer a Premium Line flight case for a select number of products. These flightcases consist of 10mm plywood with an HPL top layer and feature Penn Elcom heavy duty insert profiles, hinges, handles and automatic locks. The entire line consists of standard truck sizes, using only 2 perimeter dimensions.  The Premium Case line is no stock item, they are custom built on request. Please contact our sales for more info! Caratteristiche Specification: Product Features: Fits 4 pcs of Focus Hybrid 10 mm plywood with HPL toplayer Penn Elcom Heavy Duty hardware Tente Blue Wheels Tourlabel dish Castor dishes for safe stacking Tip side Standard trucksize Dimensions & Weight: L x W x H with wheels:: 600 x 840 x 920 mm L x W x H without wheels: 600 x 840 x 800 mm Weight: 53,5 kg

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