Weber Speakers Weber Alnico Blue Dog 8 ohm 15 watt

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Weber Speakers Weber Alnico Blue Dog 8 ohm 15 watt
Weber Speakers Weber Alnico Blue Dog 8 ohm 15 watt
Weber Speakers Weber Alnico Blue Dog 8 ohm 15 watt
Weber Speakers Weber Alnico Blue Dog 8 ohm 15 watt - Immagine 0
Weber Speakers Weber Alnico Blue Dog 8 ohm 15 watt - Immagine 1
Weber Speakers Weber Alnico Blue Dog 8 ohm 15 watt - Immagine 2

Descrizione annuncio

Classic AlNiCo Vox Tone 12, 40oz AlNiCo magnet, 1-3/4 voice coil, ribbed cone.

As with all Weber speakers, the higher the power rating, the warmer and smoother the speaker. The 15 watt is aggressive, bright, with a strong midrange crang. At the other end, the 100 watt is warm, smooth, yet is detailed and clear with very good definition. The 75 and 100 watt models use very high temperature voice coils that are the same weight and mass as the lower power voice coils. That ensures good attack and a broad frequency response due to the low weight and mass of the voice coil assembly.

• Paper cone – standard Kurt-Mueller British cone used in most of our British type speakers. the 75Hz cone is the more “classic Marshall guitar tone” if you will. 75Hz is the general name that has been given to this cone since the 60s, even though the resonant frequency is closer to 82Hz, which is low E on a standard tuned guitar. Standard low end with a midrange bump, and clear articulate high end.

• Hemp cone – very soft material, darker, warmer, foggy and less focused. Hemp’s longer fibers give treble notes a sub-harmonic richness that warms the sound. great for that hazy stoner metal thing where articulation isn’t the objective. it cuts the treble, but it also affects the overall response and feel to be more squishy.

Try pairing this with a Silver Bell in a 2×12 combination. Great low end from the Silver Bell, while retaining clarity and definition from the Blue Dog. (or a pair of each in a 4×12).

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