Liquid Rainbow " The Acid Sessions"

USATO PRIVATOCodice annuncio: #7107734

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Liquid Rainbow " The Acid Sessions"
Liquid Rainbow " The Acid Sessions"
Liquid Rainbow " The Acid Sessions" - Immagine 0
Liquid Rainbow " The Acid Sessions" - Immagine 1

Descrizione annuncio


Release Notes:

Ovnimoon Records presents a special chapter with this well-known world class touring live electronic-dub-rock trio Liquid Rainbow with the 3rd volume of their legendary series “The Acid Sessions”. You are immediately transformed into a magical forest creature as butterfly wings instantly protrude from your back and spiraling antennae uncoil from your forehead! Now you recognize that the trees are alive and full of amazing creatures and everyone is glowing! You drift into the air on a rush of sparkling energy and feel a warm tingling sensation seeping through your body lighting up your limbs and belly from within like a glowing neon light! You are a pure energy being and this is your mystical playground where you frolic with all your best friends! Unlock your inner bliss and let go of the stress and pressure of your other life as a human when this uplifting and relaxing album flows out of your speakers and into your heart. Looping for hours you will discover new secrets with deeper exploration and soon people might wonder what happened to make you so happy and free. Liquid Rainbow...
Liquid Rainbow was born with the melting of different musical & life experiences. Melted within the Love of Music, Creation & Light they started immediately composing, recording & producing new & fresh music completely by themselves. The Headquarter is the magic Garden Studio where they can develop their skills & arts in the Liquid Rainbow sonic palette. Let’s say that the Rainbows are Friends, people that try without any commercial pressure or influence to make their own music, to experiment, to communicate through music & art. Another characteristic of the Band is the research for innovative sounds & effects, the love for electronic sound & for classical instruments, the melting of “classic” pop/rock sounds with modern influences.

Codice annuncio: #7107734Inserimento: oltre 3 mesi faUltima modifica: oltre 3 mesi fa
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Annuncio pubblicato da
Il Mercatino di DubMaster Studio
ottobre 2019
Posizione del venditore
© OpenStreetMap
Provincia di Milano

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