Ibanez Srms806 Deep Twilight

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Ibanez Srms806 Deep Twilight
Ibanez Srms806 Deep Twilight
Ibanez Srms806 Deep Twilight
Ibanez Srms806 Deep Twilight
Ibanez Srms806 Deep Twilight
Ibanez Srms806 Deep Twilight
Ibanez Srms806 Deep Twilight
Ibanez Srms806 Deep Twilight
Ibanez Srms806 Deep Twilight - Immagine 0
Ibanez Srms806 Deep Twilight - Immagine 1
Ibanez Srms806 Deep Twilight - Immagine 2
Ibanez Srms806 Deep Twilight - Immagine 3
Ibanez Srms806 Deep Twilight - Immagine 4
Ibanez Srms806 Deep Twilight - Immagine 5
Ibanez Srms806 Deep Twilight - Immagine 6
Ibanez Srms806 Deep Twilight - Immagine 7

Descrizione annuncio

EL.6-ST.BASS SRMS806 To the newcomer, the multi-scale concept may appear a bit unusual, but the biggest surprise may be how comfortable players become within a minute or two of playing the instrument. The different fret-to-bridge distances enhance tonality, creating a better sounding bass. - Bass Workshop - For more than 40 years, Ibanez has pioneered new frontiers in bass development, pushing the boundaries of conventional designs to bass players of all styles, affording new avenues of expression and creativity. This spirit of exploration has led to the creation of some of the most successful and popular production basses of all time. Following this same drive to bring new and relevant ideas to the musical forefront is what serves as the basis for this ongoing project, dubbed the Ibanez Bass Workshop. The impetus behind each one of these unique instruments comes from a desire by the Ibanez bass development team to satisfy the particular needs of many players. These inventions may not be for everyone, but for those who yearn to explore new sonic vistas through the medium of bass: The Ibanez Bass Workshop project may give you just what you're looking for. ****Product Features**** - 5pc Jatoba/Walnut neck The 5pc Jatoba/Walnut neck provides tonal clarity and superior attack. - Panga Panga fretboard Panga Panga features a beautiful wood grain which produces a tight low and mid range, along with a sharp attack on high end. - Medium frets Medium sized frets enhance the accuracy of your notes. - Poplar Burl top / Okoume body A stunning Poplar Burl top and an Okoume body provide bright and solid sound. - Bartolini® BH2 pickups The Bartolini® BH2 pickups provide a tight bottom-end, punchy mid-range, and smooth response. The dual-coil style configuration maximizes articulation and a long blade pole piece widens the magnetic field, providing balanced string-to-string pickup response. - Ibanez Custom Electronics 3-band EQ The Ibanez Custom Electronics 3-band

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