Electro Harmonix DOCTOR Q Envelope Filter Bass or Guitar effect 1970s

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Electro Harmonix DOCTOR Q  Envelope Filter Bass or Guitar effect 1970s
Electro Harmonix DOCTOR Q  Envelope Filter Bass or Guitar effect 1970s
Electro Harmonix DOCTOR Q  Envelope Filter Bass or Guitar effect 1970s
Electro Harmonix DOCTOR Q  Envelope Filter Bass or Guitar effect 1970s
Electro Harmonix DOCTOR Q  Envelope Filter Bass or Guitar effect 1970s - Immagine 0
Electro Harmonix DOCTOR Q  Envelope Filter Bass or Guitar effect 1970s - Immagine 1
Electro Harmonix DOCTOR Q  Envelope Filter Bass or Guitar effect 1970s - Immagine 2
Electro Harmonix DOCTOR Q  Envelope Filter Bass or Guitar effect 1970s - Immagine 3

Descrizione annuncio

The Electro-Harmonix Doctor Q Envelope Filter gives tones similar to an auto-wah pedal, but crucially the musician controls the amount of wah effect by his/her playing dynamics. In other words, notes picked or strummed hard will exhibit more wah than notes sounded softly. The controls on the pedal are a Range control, which governs the scope of the wah effect, and a Bass switch which modifies the EQ of the signal, and makes the effect more usable for bass players. If you like clean tones, try one of these on your pedalboard to add easily controlled colour to your sound.

Caratteristiche del prodotto:

Range Control: Controlla la gamma di frequenza in cui il filtro si muove. Il Doctor Q risponde alla dinamica del vostro picking
Bass switch: Quando in posizione sollevata consente alle frequenze più basse di passare
Footswitch: Per attivare Doctor Q 


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